A Força Aérea assinou, dia 6 de setembro, o contrato para a aquisição de mais três helicópteros Sikorski UH-60 Black Hawk, adquiridos à empresa Norte Americana, Ace Aeronautics, LLC.(TIN 47-4577320), com sede em Guntersville no Estado do Alabama, através do concurso público autorizado pela Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 27/2021, de 4 de março. Este concurso, no valor de 20,9 milhões de EUR (20 984 600 EUR), foi financiado em cerca de 81% por fundos comunitários, através do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR), a entrega dos dois primeiros helicópteros está prevista para 2025 e o terceiro para 2026.
Estes três helicópteros, para além de outras missões secundárias, vão integrar a capacidade própria do Estado no combate a incêndios rurais, juntando-se aos seis anteriormente adquiridos, dois dos quais já entregues à Força Aérea, aumentando assim a frota para nove. O contrato agora assinado inclui ainda a formação para seis pilotos e 18 mecânicos (14 electromecânicos e 4 eletroaviónicos).
- Uh60 Black Hawk da Força Aérea Portuguesa
- Uh60 Black Hawk da Força Aérea Portuguesa providencia armed top cover através da janela lateral
- UH60-A Black Hawk da Força Aérea Portuguesa
- Uh60 da Força Aérea Portuguesa aterra numa montanha cheia de neve
- Uh60 Black Hawk da Força Aérea Portuguesa em exercícios de carga suspensa (sling load)
O helicóptero UH-60 Black Hawk está destinado principalmente ao combate aéreo de incêndios rurais, com capacidade de transportar até 2950 litros de água por largada, mas também pode ser usado para a projeção de forças no terreno, permitindo o transporte de uma equipa de 12 passageiros totalmente equipados. Com autonomia de voo de 2h30, é um helicóptero utilitário bimotor médio, com um alcance de 555 km e uma velocidade máxima de 314 km/h.
Estes 3 no modelo UH60-L, vão se juntar, na Esquadra 551 – Panteras, aos 6 de modelo UH60-A contratados em 2022 a outra empresa Norte Americana, Arista Aviation. Com o total de entregas planeado até ao final de 2026 (2 em 2023, 2 em 2024, 4 em 2025 e 1 em 2026), Portugal ficará com pelo menos 9 Helicopteros Black Hawk ao serviço da FAP, a voar a partir da Base Aérea N.º 8 (BA8) em Ovar, Aveiro.
Notícia em: https://emfa.pt/noticia-4746-forca-aerea-adquire-mais-tres-helicopteros-para-combate-aos-incendios
- Perspectiva frontal de uma electroóptica/Forward Looking Infra-Red System (FLIR) montada num Helicoptero da Ace Aeronautics
- Perspetiva do cockpit digital usado nos Uh60 das Forças Armadas Austriacas
- Forward Looking Infra-Red System (FLIR) montado num Helicoptero da Ace Aeronautics
- Uh60 Black Hawk das Forças Armadas austríacas com Cockpit Garmin 5000 Ace Deck e radar meteriológico
- Helicoptero da ACE Aeronautics certifica sistema Claw que equipa o 160th SOAR
Tivemos o prazer de estar à conversa com Rich Enderle, CEO da Ace Aeronautics, que se disponibilizou para responder a algumas perguntas e a quem queremos agradecer essa acessibilidade de comunicação. Aqui fica um pequeno excerto da nossa conversa:
1W: We understand these 3 new Black Hawk Helicopters have some differences from the previous 6 the Air Force bought from Arista Aviation, can you explain to us the main differences?
1Rich: “The previous aircraft were UH-60A aircraft which possess T700-GE-700 engines and a standard gearbox which gives it an external hook load limit of 8,000 lbs. The new aircraft will be UH-60L aircraft which have undergone a full recapitalization at the army depot at Corpus Christi Army Depot, possesses T700-GE-701C/D engines and an improved durable gearbox that increase the overall gross weight of the aircraft and the cargo hook limit to 9,000 lbs. They will also be equipped with a weather radar and provisions for an external hoist”
- Instalações da Ace Aeronautics
- Instalações da Ace Aeronautics
- Instalações da Ace Aeronautics
- Instalações da Ace Aeronautics
- Instalações da Ace Aeronautics
2W: What does this contract mean for Ace Aeronautics?
2Rich: “Ace Aeronautics is proud to have won this tender of Portuguese Air Force (PAF) to provide the next three aircraft to expand their fleet. This selection proves that our willingness to go the extra mile to be a long-term partner of the PAF is what makes Ace Aeronautics special. ”
3W: The ACE Deck Garmin 5000 is a major upgrade for these Helicopters. Some people even consider it much superior to the current US Army digital cockpit. What would you say are the main advantages of using this cockpit? And how do you see this cockpit evolving in the near future?
3Rich: “The main ACE DECK advantages are in the areas of IFR-certified GPS ILS-equivalent approaches that the US Army cockpit cannot do, safety, ease of use, an open architecture for adding new capabilities, and long-term supportability. Ace will continue to evolve the core ACE DECK, while being mindful that not every customer wants the most premium features we could offer. This “base, certified ACE DECK + custom options” approach enables us to offer a best-value answer to all customers, with solutions for customers who have unique requirements.”
4W: The number of NATO and allied countries using the UH60 is increasing every year, and on the civilian side we see the same thing. We would like to know your opinion on the logistical point about the Uh60? How advantageous will the past 6 and these 3 new Uh60 acquisitions be for the PAF?
4Rich: “The UH60 Black Hawk is a proven multi-role platform that is demonstrating its’ capabilities on both the government and civil side. With the divestment by the US Army, there is a large quantity of aircraft that have or will be sold and put into operations and there will also be aircraft that will be harvested for parts to sustain the operational fleet. The parts on both models are mostly interchangeable except for the upgraded engines and improved transmission on the 60L. ”
- Uh60 das Forças Armadas Austriacas equipado com radar meteriológico
- Uh60 Black Hawk com algumas modificações para transporte tático de motas de duas rodas. Pode-se ver também o radar meteriológico e a electrooptica
- Montagem de janela para metralhadora FN MAG/FN M240
- External Gun Mount System montado num Helicoptero da Ace Aeronautics
- Helicoptero da Ace Aero com sistema de armamento
5W: From what we understood, you have a huge experience flying this aircraft. Can you tell us a little bit about your career in the US Army and your personnel experience with the UH60?
5Rich: “After graduating from the US Army Rotary Wing Aviator Course in 1980, I attended the UH60 transition course in 1982. I was then selected to attend the Army Maintenance Test Pilot Course later that same year. I flew various models of the UH60 (UH60A, UH60A+, UH60L & MH60L) for the next 27 year until my retirement in 2007. I operated the aircraft in numerous combat operations while a member of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. In my final assignment as the Commander of the Aviation Center Logistics Brigade, I was responsible for a fleet of 85 UH60A/L aircraft that we launched three times daily, to support both day and night training for the Army’s future aviators.”
6W: This is a Helicopter that is much known for its use in Special Operations. Why is it a favorite of these units?
6Rich: “It is a battle tested multi-role aircraft that has the needed redundancy to support a full array of combat operations to include armed, assault and shipboard operations.”
- MH60M do 160th SOAR do Exército Americano com Maritime Camo scheme
- UH60 Black Hawk da US Customs and Border Protection equipado com guincho externo, luz de procura e eletrooptica
- MH60M do 160th SOAR do Exército Americano com Maritime Camo scheme
- UH60 equipado com External gun mount system
- External gun mount system
7W: These Helicopters have been bought mainly for firefighting and national emergency situations that the military will be involved. But how fast could they be equipped for full combat operations?
7Rich: “The aircraft can be quickly adapted for combat operations. There are numerous kits available today which provide weaponization, as well as ballistic protection.”
8W: A situation that occurred this year was some wildfires in Madeira Islands with some difficulty of deploying extra helicopters. Understanding that these are not fully maritime Helicopters but knowing that the US Army uses them a lot in operations aboard ships, could the PAF deploys these in Portuguese or allied ships in case of necessity without damaging the aircraft?
8Rich: “Absolutely, the aircraft is extremely capable of performing over water operations and there are maintenance procedures in place to ensure continued airworthiness with the exposure to saltwater operations.”
- Uh60 do Exército Americano a trabalhar a partir de um navio
- Uh60 do Exército Americano a trabalhar a partir de um navio. Note-se os pontos de amarração do Helicoptero ao navio para que este fique seguro com mau tempo. Também interessante ver o local da Eletroóptica.
- Uh60 do Exército Americano a trabalhar a partir de um navio
- Uh60 do Exército Americano a trabalhar a partir de um navio
- Helicopetros Black Hawk do Exército Americano a trabalhar a partir de navios
9W: We have seen major futuristic programs with the UH60, including even Unmanned aircraft. What are your expectations regarding black hawk upgrades in the USA in the next years?
9Rich: “The aircraft will continue to be a major weapon system for years to come. The US Army is signing a new multi-year contract with Sikorsky Aircraft Company for additional UH60M aircraft, the S70M is being used by firefighters around the world, and the Army divestment will push another 400+ aircraft into the world. There are also multiple moves to develop an unmanned Fly-By-Wire UH60, but it is years in the making. Ace will continue to participate in the development of new ways to sustain and support the aircraft regardless of the operation. The future is bright for this aircraft.”
10W: How does Ace Aeronautics see its role in these future upgrades?
10Rich: “We are focused on supporting the current fleet and improving the aircraft to the future by engineering out obsolescence. We also are focusing on other platforms and expanding our presence in the rotary wing marketplace.”
Damos assim os parabéns à Força Aérea Portuguesa por mais uma excelente aquisição e desejamos a melhor sorte para os Panteras.
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De seguida poderá ver alguns pormenores do Cockpit que a Força Aérea Portuguesa está a instalar nos UH60 Black Hawk que adquiriu.
Veja também um video de demonstração de capacidades de voo dos dois primeiros Black HAwks que a Força Aérea Portuguesa já tem em operações.